AnyTime Blades

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Gifts for Dad

When it comes to finding the perfect gift for Dad, it can be a challenge to find something that is both practical and meaningful. But fear not, because AnyTime Blades has the solution: pocket knives. These versatile tools are not only useful in a variety of situations, but they also make a thoughtful and unique gift that Dad is sure to appreciate.

Automatic Knives 

Butterfly Knives 

Pocket Knives 

Why are pocket knives the perfect gift for Dad?

There are many reasons why pocket knives make the perfect gift for Dad. For starters, they are incredibly practical. Whether Dad is an avid outdoorsman, a handyman, or simply someone who likes to be prepared for anything, a pocket knife is a tool that he will find useful time and time again.

But pocket knives are more than just practical tools. They also have a sense of nostalgia and tradition. Many Dads grew up carrying a pocket knife, and giving him one as a gift is a way to honor that tradition and pass it on to the next generation.

Why choose pocket knives from AnyTime Blades?

While there are many places to buy pocket knives, AnyTime Blades stands out from the rest. They offer a wide selection of high-quality knives that are built to last. From folding knives to fixed blade knives, there is something for every Dad's taste and needs.

Not only are the knives from AnyTime Blades durable and reliable, but they are also stylish. With a range of designs and finishes to choose from, you can find a pocket knife that matches Dad's personality and style.

How to choose the perfect pocket knife for Dad

When choosing a pocket knife for Dad, there are a few things to consider. First, think about how Dad will be using the knife. If he is an outdoorsman, a folding knife with a sturdy blade is a great option. If he is more of a handyman, a multi-tool with a variety of functions may be the way to go.

Next, consider the size and weight of the knife. You want to choose a knife that feels comfortable in Dad's hand and is easy to carry. Too big or too heavy, and it may end up sitting in a drawer instead of being used.

Finally, think about the design and aesthetics of the knife. Does Dad prefer a sleek and modern look, or is he more of a traditionalist? Consider his personal style and choose a knife that reflects that.


When it comes to finding the perfect gift for Dad, pocket knives from AnyTime Blades are a winning choice. They are practical, meaningful, and built to last. So this Father's Day, give Dad a gift that he will truly appreciate and cherish for years to come.

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Hawaii Got Great News July 1, 2023

The great news is, is Butterfly Knives are now legal in Hawaii! Butterfly knives are a popular type of knife that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as self-defense, recreation, and performing tricks. They are also known as balisong knives or fan knives.

Get Your Butterfly Knife Here 

In the past, butterfly knives were illegal to possess or carry in Hawaii. However, a new law that went into effect on July 1, 2023, has legalized the possession and carrying of butterfly knives in the state. The new law does not allow butterfly knives to be carried in public places, such as schools, parks, and government buildings.

If you are interested in purchasing or carrying a butterfly knife in Hawaii, it is important to be familiar with the new law. You should also be aware of the potential dangers of butterfly knives and take steps to avoid injuring yourself or others.

Here are some safety tips for handling and using butterfly knives:

  • Always keep the blade closed when not in use.
  • Be careful when opening and closing the blade.
  • Practice opening and closing the blade in a safe place.
  • Never use a butterfly knife in a public place.
  • Be aware of your surroundings when using a butterfly knife.
  • Never use a butterfly knife to harm yourself or others.

If you are interested in learning more about butterfly knives, there are a number of resources available online and in libraries. You can also find butterfly knife clubs and classes in many areas.

Please note that these are just general safety tips and it is always best to consult with a qualified professional for specific advice on how to safely handle and use butterfly knives.

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Knife Deals - Christmas is Coming- Lowest Prices

Why Choose Anytime Blades for Your Christmas Shopping?

Looking for the perfect Christmas gifts? Look no further! Anytime Blades offers the lowest prices and superb customer service, making it the ideal place to shop for knives, knuckles, swords, and more. With Christmas just around the corner, it's time to start checking off your gift list.




Unbeatable Prices on Quality Products

At Anytime Blades, we understand the importance of finding high-quality products at affordable prices. That's why we strive to offer the lowest prices on all our items. Whether you're looking for a durable hunting knife, a stylish pocket knife, or a unique collectible sword, we have it all at prices that won't break the bank.

Wide Selection of Knives, Knuckles, Swords, and More

When it comes to variety, Anytime Blades has you covered. We have an extensive collection of knives, knuckles, swords, and other cutting-edge products. From traditional designs to modern innovations, we have something to suit every taste and preference. Our inventory is constantly updated, so you'll always find the latest and greatest products on our website.

Superb Customer Service

At Anytime Blades, we believe in providing exceptional customer service. Our team of experts is always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. We take pride in our prompt and friendly customer support, ensuring that your shopping experience is smooth and enjoyable.

Shop at Anytime Blades for a Stress-Free Christmas

Don't let the holiday shopping rush stress you out. With Anytime Blades, you can find the perfect gifts for your loved ones without breaking a sweat. Our user-friendly website makes browsing and purchasing a breeze, and our secure payment options guarantee a safe and hassle-free transaction.

So why wait? Start your Christmas shopping today at Anytime Blades and take advantage of our unbeatable prices and superb customer service. Make this holiday season extra special with the perfect gifts from our wide selection of knives, knuckles, swords, and more.

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Donald Trump Collectables On SALE

Are you feeling down about the recent Donald Trump indictments? We understand how it can be disheartening to see a former president facing legal challenges. But don't worry, we have the perfect solution to lift your spirits and show your support for the 45th president!

Get Your Donald Trump Knives Here 

Why Choose Trump Collectables?

Our Trump Collectables are more than just memorabilia. They are a symbol of your admiration and appreciation for the leadership and accomplishments of Donald Trump . By owning these collectables, you can proudly display your support for this influential figure in American history.

What Do We Offer?

Our collection includes a wide range of items that cater to different preferences and interests. Whether you're a fan of political campaigns, iconic moments, or simply want to commemorate the presidency, we have something for everyone.

Here are some of the Trump Collectables you can find:

Limited Edition Donald Trump Knives

These beautifully crafted Knives feature the portraits of both the 45th President. These knives are not only a valuable keepsake but also a great conversation starter.

Why Should You Show Your Support?

Supporting the 45th President is not just about politics; it's about acknowledging their contributions to the nation. Donald Trump has left a lasting impact on the United States, and by showing your support, you are honoring his achievements.

Additionally, owning Trump Collectables is a way to connect with like-minded individuals who share your admiration for Donald Trump. It's an opportunity to be part of a community that values their leadership and the positive changes they brought to the country.


If you're feeling down about the recent Donald Trump indictments, don't let it dampen your spirits. Show your support and love for the 45th President with our Trump Collectables. Let's celebrate the Donald Trump legacy together!

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Aichmomania or Knife Play What is it

Have you ever heard of aichmomania? No, it's not a new dance move or a trendy diet. It's actually a term used to describe a rather unusual fascination with knives. Yes, you read that right – knife play! Now, before you start picturing a horror movie scene, let's dive into this quirky world and explore what it's all about.

Check Out Our Favorite Knives for Knife Play Here 

What exactly is aichmomania?

Aichmomania is a term derived from the Greek words "aichme" meaning "point" and "mania" meaning "madness." It refers to a peculiar obsession or compulsion with knives or other sharp objects. But don't worry, it's not as dangerous as it sounds. Aichmomania is more about the artistry, skill, and thrill of knife handling rather than any violent intentions.

Knife play as a form of expression

For some individuals, knife play is a way to express their creativity and showcase their dexterity. Just like a painter with a brush or a musician with an instrument, knife enthusiasts use their blades as their tools of choice. They engage in various activities such as knife throwing, knife juggling, and even intricate knife tricks.

Joining the knife community

If you're intrigued by the world of aichmomania, you'll be glad to know that there is a vibrant community of knife enthusiasts out there. They gather at events and conventions to share their passion, exchange tips and tricks, and even compete in friendly knife challenges. It's a place where you can meet like-minded individuals who appreciate the artistry and skill behind knife play.

Exploring the different styles

Knife play is not limited to just one style. There are various disciplines within this quirky world. Some enthusiasts focus on the precision and accuracy of throwing knives, while others prefer the art of knife juggling, where they skillfully toss and catch knives in mesmerizing patterns. There are even experts who specialize in knife tricks, showcasing their ability to manipulate blades with finesse.

Embracing the quirky side

Knife play is not for everyone, and that's perfectly okay. It's a niche interest that embraces the quirky and unusual. For those who find joy in the art of knife handling, it's a way to express their individuality and showcase their unique skills. So, the next time you come across someone who is passionate about knife play, don't be quick to judge. Instead, embrace the quirkiness and appreciate the creativity that goes into this fascinating world.

Remember, aichmomania may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's certainly a topic that adds a touch of humor and intrigue to our lives. So, whether you're a knife enthusiast or simply curious about the quirky side of life, take a moment to appreciate the artistry and skill behind knife play.

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Where to Find Weapons Laws in Your State

What are the weapons laws in your state?

Understanding the weapons laws in your state is crucial for staying informed and abiding by the legal requirements. Each state has its own set of laws and regulations regarding the possession, purchase, and use of weapons. Whether you are a gun owner, a knife enthusiast, or simply interested in self-defense laws, knowing where to find accurate and up-to-date information is essential.

State government websites

One of the most reliable sources for weapons laws in your state is the official website of your state government. Most states have a dedicated section on their websites that provides comprehensive information on firearms, knives, and other weapons. These websites often include details on licensing requirements, concealed carry permits, prohibited weapons, and any recent changes to the laws.

Law enforcement agencies

Local law enforcement agencies can also be a valuable resource for finding weapons laws in your state. They are responsible for enforcing these laws and are knowledgeable about the specific regulations in your area. Contact your local police department or sheriff's office to inquire about the relevant laws and regulations. They may also be able to provide guidance on obtaining permits or licenses.

Legal professionals

If you require more in-depth information or have specific legal questions regarding weapons laws, consulting with a legal professional is advisable. Attorneys specializing in criminal law or firearms law can provide expert advice tailored to your situation. They can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system and ensure that you are fully aware of your rights and responsibilities.

Online legal resources

There are several reputable online resources that compile and summarize weapons laws for each state. These websites offer easy-to-understand explanations of the laws and provide links to the relevant statutes and regulations. Some even offer interactive maps or search tools to help you quickly find the information you need. However, it is important to verify the accuracy and currency of the information from these sources, as laws can change over time.


Knowing the weapons laws in your state is crucial for staying compliant and ensuring your own safety. By utilizing reliable sources such as state government websites, law enforcement agencies, legal professionals, and online resources, you can easily access the information you need. Stay informed, follow the laws, and exercise your rights responsibly.

See our Full Collection of Knives, Brass Knuckles and more HERE 

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Terrifically Tasteless Tee's

What makes Terrifically Tasteless Tee's so unique?

Prepare yourself for a wild ride into the world of adult humor shirts. Terrifically Tasteless Tee's is not your average clothing brand. It's a daring and unapologetic collection of shirts that push the boundaries of good taste. If you have a wicked sense of humor and a thick skin, then these shirts are made for you.

Why should you embrace the tasteless?

Life is too short to take everything seriously. Terrifically Tasteless Tee's understands that laughter is the best medicine. These shirts are designed to make you laugh, shock your friends, and spark conversations. They are a bold statement that says, "I don't care what others think, I'm here to have fun!"

Unleash your inner rebel

Wearing a Terrifically Tasteless Tee is an act of rebellion. It's a way to break free from the norms and expectations of society. These shirts are not for the faint of heart. They are for those who dare to be different, who embrace their quirks, and who refuse to conform.

Get Your Terrifically Tasteless Tee Here 

Spread the laughter

When you wear a Terrifically Tasteless Tee, you become a walking billboard of humor. You have the power to brighten someone's day, make them chuckle, or even provoke a hearty belly laugh. These shirts are conversation starters, ice breakers, and mood lifters. Spread the laughter and watch as the world around you becomes a little bit brighter.

Join the tasteless revolution

If you're ready to embrace your wild side and unleash your inner rebel, then it's time to join the tasteless revolution. Terrifically Tasteless Tee's is here to help you express yourself, make people laugh, and challenge the status quo. Get ready to turn heads, start conversations, and become a part of something truly unique.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Terrifically Tasteless Tee's and let your sense of humor run wild!

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What is a Leather Strop Used For

What is a Leather Strop Used For?

A leather strop is a long, rectangular piece of leather that is used to sharpen and polish the blades of knives, razors, and other tools. It is a simple but effective tool that can make a big difference in the performance of your blades.

A strop works by using the abrasive properties of the leather to remove small amounts of metal from the edge of the blade. This creates a sharper, more durable edge. Stropping can also help to realign the edge of the blade and remove any burrs or imperfections.

To use a leather strop, simply hold the blade at a 15-20 degree angle and draw it across the strop, away from the edge. Be careful not to press down too hard, as this can damage the edge of the blade. Repeat this process several times on each side of the blade.

Leather strops can be used on a variety of different blades, including:

  • Knives
  • Razors
  • Chisels
  • Gouges
  • Wood carving tools
  • Straight razors

Strops are especially useful for straight razors, as they require frequent sharpening. Stropping can help to extend the life of your straight razor blade and keep it shaving sharp.

Leather strops can be purchased plain or with a polishing compound applied. Polishing compounds can help to further refine the edge of the blade and create a mirror-like finish.

If you are looking for a simple and effective way to sharpen your blades, a leather strop is a great option. It is a relatively affordable tool that can be used on a variety of different blades.

Get Your Leather Strops Here 

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How to Use a Razor Strop

What is a Razor Strop?

A razor strop is a leather strap used to sharpen and maintain the edge of a straight razor. It is an essential tool for anyone who wants to achieve a close and comfortable shave.

Get Your Leather Strop Here 

Why Use a Razor Strop?

Using a razor strop helps to realign and polish the microscopic teeth on the edge of the razor blade. This process, known as stropping, removes any microscopic burrs or imperfections, resulting in a sharper and smoother blade.

Step-by-Step Guide to Stropping

1. Prepare the Strop: Attach one end of the strop to a fixed point, such as a hook or doorknob. Hold the other end firmly in your hand.

2. Apply Stropping Compound: Apply a small amount of stropping compound to the leather side of the strop. This compound helps to enhance the stropping process by providing a fine abrasive surface.

3. Hold the Razor Properly: Hold the razor by the shank, with the blade facing away from you. Make sure to keep a firm grip on the razor to prevent accidents.

4. Start Stropping: Place the razor on the fabric side of the strop, near the fixed point. With light pressure, move the razor in a smooth, sweeping motion along the length of the strop. Maintain a consistent angle and avoid applying too much pressure.

5. Reverse the Razor: Once you reach the end of the strop, flip the razor over and repeat the stropping motion on the leather side. This helps to ensure both sides of the blade are properly sharpened.

6. Repeat the Process: Depending on the condition of your razor, you may need to repeat the stropping process several times. Remember to apply stropping compound as needed.

7. Test the Sharpness: After stropping, carefully run your finger along the edge of the blade to check for sharpness. If the blade feels smooth and sharp, it is ready for use.

Tips for Using a Razor Strop

- Strop your razor before each shave to maintain its sharpness.

- Avoid using excessive pressure while stropping, as it can damage the blade.

- Clean the strop regularly to remove any buildup of stropping compound or debris.

- Store the strop in a cool, dry place to prevent damage to the leather.


Using a razor strop is a crucial step in maintaining a sharp and effective straight razor. By following the proper stropping technique, you can ensure a close and comfortable shave every time. Remember to take your time and practice regularly to master the art of stropping.

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AnyTime Blades Has Your Tactical Gear

What is Tactical Gear and Why Do You Need It?

Tactical gear is not just for military personnel or law enforcement officers. It's a versatile and essential tool for anyone who values preparedness and wants to be ready for any situation. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, an avid camper, or simply someone who wants to be prepared for emergencies, tactical gear is a game-changer.

Be Prepared, Be Confident

Tactical gear not only empowers you with the tools you need but also instills a sense of confidence. When you have the right gear by your side, you can face any challenge head-on, knowing that you're prepared for whatever comes your way. Whether it's a sudden downpour, a medical emergency, a power outage, or for self defense (Self defense weapons, camping and survival)  tactical gear gives you the peace of mind to handle any situation.


Tactical gear is more than just equipment; it's a mindset. It's about being prepared, staying one step ahead, and embracing the spirit of adventure. So, whether you're an outdoor enthusiast or simply someone who values preparedness, tactical gear is a must-have. Invest in quality gear, unleash your inner adventurer, and be ready for anything that life throws your way.

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Stun Gun VS Taser

What is the difference between a stun gun and a taser?

When it comes to personal safety, it's important to be well-informed about the different self-defense tools available in the market. Two popular options are stun guns and tasers. While they may seem similar, there are some key differences between the two.

Get Yours Here 

How does a stun gun work?

A stun gun is a handheld device that delivers an electric shock to an attacker upon contact. It works by disrupting the body's electrical system, temporarily immobilizing the attacker. Stun guns are designed to be used in close proximity to the attacker's body, and they require direct contact to be effective.

How does a taser work?

A taser, on the other hand, is a device that can be used from a distance. It uses compressed nitrogen to shoot two small probes, attached to thin wires, towards the attacker. These probes deliver an electric shock that affects the attacker's muscular system, causing temporary incapacitation. Unlike a stun gun, a taser can be used from a distance of up to 15 feet.

Which one is more effective?

Both stun guns and tasers can be effective in self-defense situations, but their effectiveness depends on various factors. Stun guns are generally more affordable and easier to carry, making them a popular choice for personal protection. However, they require close contact with the attacker, which may not always be possible or safe.

Tasers, on the other hand, provide the advantage of distance. They allow you to incapacitate an attacker from a safe distance, reducing the risk of physical harm. Tasers are often used by law enforcement agencies due to their effectiveness and reliability.

Considerations when choosing between a stun gun and a taser

When deciding between a stun gun and a taser, there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, think about your personal comfort level and ability to handle the device effectively. Stun guns require close contact, which may not be suitable for everyone.

Secondly, consider the laws and regulations in your area. Some states have restrictions on the use and possession of stun guns and tasers, so it's important to familiarize yourself with the legalities.

Lastly, think about your specific needs and circumstances. If you are looking for a compact and affordable option for personal protection, a stun gun might be the right choice for you. However, if you prefer the added safety of distance and are willing to invest in a more advanced device, a taser could be the better option.


When it comes to personal safety, having the right tools can make a significant difference. Both stun guns and tasers offer effective self-defense options, but they differ in terms of usage and range. Consider your personal preferences, local regulations, and specific needs before making a decision. Remember, the most important thing is to prioritize your safety and choose a device that you feel comfortable and confident using.

Get Yours Here 

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What Makes Switchblades So Exciting

Switchblades, also known as automatic knives, have long been associated with a sense of danger and adventure. With their lightning-fast deployment and sleek design, these knives have captured the imagination of thrill-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts alike. But what sets switchblades apart from other knives? Let's dive into the world of switchblades and discover the thrill they bring.

Get Yours Here !

Unleash Your Inner Adventurer

Switchblades are more than just tools; they are an extension of your adventurous spirit. With a simple press of a button, the blade springs to life, ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way. Whether you're exploring the great outdoors or facing everyday obstacles, a switchblade empowers you to take risks and conquer them head-on.

Embrace the Power of Speed

Speed is the essence of adventure, and switchblades embody that perfectly. With their lightning-fast deployment, these knives are designed for swift and decisive action. Just like a daredevil racing against time, a switchblade allows you to react quickly to any situation, giving you an edge when it matters most.

Uncompromising Precision and Versatility

Switchblades are not only about speed; they also offer unparalleled precision and versatility. Whether you need to cut through tough materials or perform delicate tasks, these knives are up to the challenge. Their razor-sharp blades and ergonomic handles make them a reliable companion in any situation, ensuring that you can tackle any obstacle with ease.

Breaking Boundaries and Conquering Fears

Switchblades are more than just tools; they are symbols of breaking boundaries and conquering fears. Just like an adventurer pushing the limits, a switchblade empowers you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown. It encourages you to face challenges head-on, knowing that you have the right tool by your side.


Switchblades are not just knives; they are gateways to adventure. With their lightning-fast deployment, precision, and versatility, these knives embody the spirit of risk-taking and exploration. So, unleash your inner adventurer and embrace the thrill of switchblades. Remember, life is an adventure, and with a switchblade in hand, you're always ready to conquer it!

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The Benefits of OTF Knives

There are several reasons why you might choose to buy an out-the-front knives (OTF) from Anytime Blades:

  • Fast deployment: OTF knives are known for their fast and easy deployment, which can be important in a self-defense situation. When you need to get your knife out quickly, an OTF knife is a good option.
  • Wide variety of models: Anytime Blades offers a wide variety of OTF knives to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. They have knives with different blade shapes, sizes, and materials, so you can find one that is comfortable to use and fits your budget.
  • High quality: Anytime Blades is known for selling high-quality knives, and their OTF knives are no exception. They use high-quality materials and construction methods to ensure that their knives will last for years to come.
  • Good customer service: Anytime Blades has a good reputation for customer service. They are responsive to customer inquiries and they offer a satisfaction guarantee on their products.

If you are looking for a high-quality OTF knife, Anytime Blades is a good place to start your search. They offer a wide variety of models to choose from, and their knives are known for their fast deployment and durability.

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Cheap Brass Knuckles

We offer a huge selection of Quality Brass Knuckles at the lowest price

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Brass Knuckles

Brass knuckles, also known as knuckle dusters, are a type of hand-held weapon often associated with street fighting and gang violence. They consist of metal plates with holes for the fingers, which are worn over the knuckles.

The primary purpose of brass knuckles is to enhance the impact of a punch, making it more powerful and potentially causing greater injury to the recipient. The use of brass knuckles is illegal in many jurisdictions, as they are considered a dangerous weapon and can cause serious harm.

While some people may view brass knuckles as a symbol of toughness or rebellion, it is important to understand the potential consequences of using such a weapon. In addition to legal penalties, the use of brass knuckles can result in serious injury or even death. It is always best to resolve conflicts peacefully and avoid violence whenever possible.

Quality Affordable Brass Knuckles Sold Here 

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We dare you to compare our brands to your favorites

We Dare You!!!

Want a Challenge?

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Mean Bitch Pistol Knife


Knives with ATTITUDE!!!!

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