Brass Knuckles in Hawaii: A Recent Shift in the Law

Hawaii Overhauls Weapon Laws, Including Brass Knuckles

A significant shift occurred in Hawaii's weapon laws in 2023. Previously, brass knuckles were illegal to possess and carry within the state. However, as of 2023, Hawaii has legalized the open carry of brass knuckles. This change aligns with a broader move to relax restrictions on various types of weapons.

Key Points:

  • Open Carry Legal: Brass knuckles can now be openly carried in Hawaii.
  • Concealed Carry: Carrying brass knuckles concealed is still illegal without a proper permit.
  • Use of Force Laws: The use of brass knuckles for self-defense is subject to Hawaii's specific laws regarding use of force.
  • Local Ordinances: It's essential to check local ordinances, as some counties or cities might have additional restrictions.

Understanding the New Law and Its Implications

While Hawaii's new law allows for the open carry of brass knuckles, it's crucial to approach the matter with caution. Misuse of these items can still lead to severe legal consequences.

Disclaimer: While this blog provides general information, it is not a substitute for legal advice. Laws can change, and specific circumstances may vary. Always consult with an attorney for legal counsel.

  • Responsible Ownership: Even with relaxed restrictions, responsible ownership is essential.
  • Self-Defense: The use of brass knuckles for self-defense should align with state law and be based on a reasonable belief of imminent harm.
  • Local Regulations: Always be aware of local ordinances that might impact brass knuckle ownership or carry.


Hawaii's recent legislative changes have had a profound impact on weapon laws, including those pertaining to brass knuckles. While open carry is now permitted, responsible ownership and adherence to local regulations are crucial.